Deer Run Community Organization
Welcome to the website of the Deer Run Community Organization in Poulsbo, Washington
Mission Statement:
The Deer Run Community Organization through its volunteer Board of Directors (or “Board”) advocates on behalf of the Deer Run community by ensuring the Declaration of Protective Covenants for Deer Run, Bylaws and adopted Rules and Regulations are adhered to, thereby:
- minimizing risks and overall membership liability,
- protecting property values,
- and promoting an atmosphere of goodwill in our community
Check here for the latest newsletter.
To Deer Run residents and homeowners:
Please be sure to provide DRCO with your email, name and street address to help us keep our records updated and to keep you informed of important community news and notices. Providing us with your contact information means you will also receive our periodical community newsletter right to your inbox. (We no longer print and mail copies of the newsletter to reduce our overhead and keep our community green.)
Privacy Policy: No information submitted will be sold or shared with outside sources. Provide the Board with your contact information at: deer.run.co@gmail.com
Officers of the Deer Run Community Organization:
- Dennis Peters, President
- Bob Stewart, Vice President
- Pete Collins, Vice President
- Candace Peters, Secretary
- Dennis Peters, Treasurer
Board of Directors (Elected):
- Dennis Peters
- Candace Peters
- Pete Collins
Contact the Board at: deer.run.co@gmail.com
Serving on the DRCO Board of Directors, or volunteering to help with a neighborhood event or project is a great way to get involved in the Deer Run community. The time commitment is fairly small with Board meetings held every 6-8 weeks, or on an as-needed basis. Local realtors consider Deer Run one of the nicest neighborhoods in Poulsbo. Your participation will help maintain the health and vitality of our community.
HOA mailing address:
Deer Run Community Organization
PO Box 756
Poulsbo, WA 98370