In attendance on Zoom Video Conference: Dennis Peters, Bob Stewart, John and Adean Vitale, Rena Beyke, Lloyd Gill, Todd Spadafore

The Zoom video conference meeting was called to order at 6:30pm

The minutes of the last meeting from November 12, 2020 were approved.

Presidents Report:
1. President Dennis Peters reported he talked to staff at Poulsbo Parks & Recreation regarding donating NGPA Tracts D, E, and F. to the City of Poulsbo. They recommended the board write a letter to attend their meeting the end of March to present the request.

2. A hazardous tree was cut and topped on January 18, 2021 in the NGPA tract adjacent to a home.

3. There was response from 18 homeowners who would like to replace their Plum trees with the newly recommended street trees. In order to possibly get a better price collectively doing so, Dennis got one bid and is waiting on a second bid. The bid ranged from $50-$300 to cut the old dying plum trees down (each tree varies). To then grind the stump, the cost would be roughly the same ($50-$300). Judy Hossner is getting prices on the replacement trees. Each homeowner is responsible for payment for the tree removal and replacement.

Treasurer’s Report:
1. Detailed financial statements for November and December and copies of financial institution statements were emailed previously to the board members. The account balances and activity was summarized for the non-board members present. John moved to approve November/December expenses. Motion carried.

Old Business

1. Amendment to Covenants regarding Rental Properties. Following up from prior board meeting discussions, Dennis presented the updated proposed Declaration of Protective Covenants regarding rental properties, which would limit the number of rental properties in Deer Run. See exhibit. 60% of Members (homeowners) in Deer Run will need to vote “yes” to approve the Amendment to the Covenants. Dennis suggested that the proposed covenants be mailed in February along with a voter ballot to all Deer Run homeowners. Bob moved to approve mailing the ballot. John seconded. Motion carried.

2. Amendment to Rules & Regulations regarding Signs. Dennis presented a draft amendment regarding signs in the Rules & Regulations. John moved to approve the amendment. Bob seconded. Motion carried. View the updated Rules & Regulations.

New Business:

1. Amendment to Rules & Regulations regarding Rental Properties. Dennis presented an updated draft of the Rules & Regulations regarding renting or leasing of Lots. See exhibit. The proposed amendment to rules & regulations will be mailed to all homeowners along with the amendment to the Covenants.

Bob moved to approve the draft. John seconded. Motion carried.

2. Amendment to Rules & Regulations regarding Landscaping. Dennis presented an amendment to add a new section under landscaping regarding street trees. An appendix will be added defining Deer Run street tree standards. John made a motion to approve the amendment and appendix. Bob seconded. Motion carried.View the updated Rules & Regulations.

3. 2021 Budget. A draft 2021 Budget was presented by Dennis. There were a few minor changes. Bob move to approve the budget. Motion carried.

Good of the Order

Dennis discussed the upcoming annual meeting, which should take place the second week of March. Due to COVID restrictions this will be done virtually. Dennis is preparing for it to be a Zoom meeting and is researching the best practices for a virtual meeting with a large group of attendees. Dennis and Bob Stewart’s two-year term expire as directors. The video conference meeting adjourned at 7:25pm.

Adean Vitale, DRCO Secretary