In attendance: Dennis Peters, Bob and Cheri Stewart, John and Adean Vitale, Rena Beyke, Karyn Lidington, Judy Hossner.

The meeting was called to order at 3:04PM at 2118 Gustaf St.

The minutes of the last meeting from March 11, 2020 were approved.

Presidents Report:

1. President Dennis Peters reported on improvements made to the Noll Rd. entrance. Dennis got a bid for $725 for 9 yards of bark delivered and to spread it on the newly planted area. A total of 6 yards was spread on one side of the entrance, and for $20 more the landscaper spread another yard of back on the opposite side. A total of $745 was spent, minus a credit for the 2 remaining yards of bark. Dennis moved to approve the expenditures and credit. Motion carried.

2. Dennis is getting a bid to clear dirt and debris along Noll Road, clear weeds and blackberry bushes and refresh the river rock at the Bjorgen Creek fence, and to remove two plum trees from behind the Noll Road entrance sign – south side.
Treasurer’s Report:

1. Detailed financial statements and copies of financial institution statements were emailed previously to the board members. The account balances and activity was summarized for the non-board members present. Bob moved to approve the April and May expenses. Motion carried.

New Business:

1. Approve Second Signer on Accounts: Dennis shared that the board needs a new (second) signer on the Kitsap Bank and Edward Jones accounts to replace Gene Bullock and Candy Peters respectively. John moved that Bob Stewart be the second signer. Motion carried. Note: the bank needs a copy of the minutes on who is approved to sign on the account. The two signers are Dennis Peters and Bob Stewart.

2. Amendment to Bylaws: Article 11. Section 10. Board Vacancy. Dennis moved that we change the last sentence of Article 11. Section 10. Vacancies to read: “Any directorship to be filled by reason of an increase in the number of directors [add this: or the absence of a quorum of members at an annual meeting] shall be filled by appointment by the board of directors for a term of office continuing until the next election of directors by membership.” Motion carried.

3. Property Transfer Fee. A $50 transfer fee is paid to DRCO anytime a home is sold. There was a discussion about whether the seller or buyer needs to pay this fee, or let the title company make that determination. Bob moved to have the home buyer pay the fee. Motion carried.

4. Annual Yard Sale. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and governor’s orders of no gatherings of 5 or more, the board cancelled the garage sale that was scheduled for Saturday, June 6, 2020. There were 7 Deer Run residents who requested rescheduling this annual garage sale (versus cancelling). The board was in agreement and will try to reschedule this, keeping an eye on the governor ordered “phases” looking towards early Fall 2020.

5. Covenant Compliance
    A) Storage Bins. There was a discussion regarding one resident who has not complied with keeping bins in garage or back yard (out of sight from the front yard). Bob made a motion to have the board continue to send monthly letters with an explanation of fines that will be implemented and also explaining the once the fines reach $500, that DRCO has the right to file a lien on the home. Motion carried.
    B) Obstructing Sidewalks. There was a discussion regarding some sidewalks not being cleared of shrubs and/or debris, as well as trees not being trimmed for clearance for people walking along the sidewalk. Dennis moved that the three board members look at three different quadrants of DRCO and make a list of violations. Note: If homeowners are notified and are unable to physically or financial trim their tree, then the board will try to find volunteers to assist. If the situation goes unresolved the violations will be reported to the City of Poulsbo Code Enforcement Officer.
    C) Physical Changes to Properties. There was a discussion regarding homeowners making changes to their properties without getting approval from DRCO board. This applies to physical/visual changes such as fences, rock walls, bricks, arbors, gravel, paver pathways and more. Dennis moved that a letter be mailed to all DRCO residents reminding them of the DRCO rules and regulations regarding this item.

6. Rental Property Rule. There was a discussion regarding rental properties in DRCO. With 20% of homes now being rentals, there is a trend toward more cars parking on the narrow streets. This becomes a safety issue if cars are parked on opposite sides of the street, parallel to each other and emergency vehicles cannot pass between the cars. Dennis has requested information from the City of Poulsbo about occupancy and parking ordinances with respect to single family dwellings. Further discussion was postponed to the July board meeting when it is expected to have received a response from City Planning and Zoning.

The meeting adjourned at 5pm.

Adean Vitale, DRCO Secretary