May 16, 2018


In attendance: Gene Bullock, Sandy Bullock, Debbie Munroe, Candy Peters, and Dennis Peters

The meeting was called to order at 6:28 PM. The minutes from March 6 and May 2 were not available. Debbie will send out to everyone for comments.

Officers for the 2018-2019 year were discussed. It was moved, seconded and approved that Candy Peters be President, Gene Bullock be Vice President, Debbie Munroe be Secretary and Dennis Peters remain Treasurer.

Treasurer’s report:

The bank and financial reports are included herein, Dennis outlined the highlights:

Lien on [redacted] has been filed by our lawyer

Two homeowners still have not paid their annual dues, despite having fines levied. It was agreed that a certified letter be sent to them stating that if they paid by the end of the month, the board will waive $200 of their fines, but if they do not the Board will proceed with putting a lien on their property.

New and old business:

The Board discussed rental properties and decided that a letter needs to be sent to non-resident homeowners reminding them that:

They and/or their agents are required to give renters and copy of the Covenants and Rules and Regulations, and review them with the renter

They or their agents are required to notify the DRCO Board of the names and email addresses of renters and update as necessary

The homeowners will be held responsible for any violations of the covenants by their tenants

It was moved, seconded and approved that The Board should add to the Rules and Regulations that if a homeowner neglects their yard maintenance, ie not mowing, and does nothing after being notified by the Board, then the Board will hire a licensed contractor to accomplish the work and bill the homeowner.

           Gene will compose a letter and Candy will send it out for the rental income.

Gene will compose the wording for the change to the Rules and Regulations, so that the Board can advise the Members of the change.

The Deer Run sign on Gustav needs to be spruced up. Candy will see if NorthStar Landscaping would be interested in the job.

Candy will put out the signs for the annual garage sale at least a week before the sale.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:09 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Debbie Munroe, DRCO Secretary