In attendance: Dennis and Candy Peters, Bob Stewart, Gene Bullock

The meeting commenced at 6:30 PM. The minutes of the last meeting were approved.

President’s report:

~ Noll Road entrance beautification – remaining planting will be done in the spring

~ Crosswalks on Gustaf – no response to letter yet

~ Website – 2018 board meeting minutes and annual financial statements have been added. Board appointed John Vitale webmaster.

~ Information on parking ordinances has been sent out

~ Update on 9/17/2019 Executive Session

Treasurer’s report:

~ Balance sheet and income statement reviewed

~ Reviewed accounts receivable – five homeowners still have not paid, and four have paid dues but not corresponding late fees

~ Noted that DRCO will not accept wire transfers; the fee is too high

~ Expenses approved – Dennis noted that landscaping bill was larger due to Green Triangle not submitting invoices for several months, as well as extra work digging holes at Noll road entrance

Old business:

~ Revised Rules & Regulations (R&R): See attached. Bob moved to accept, Gene seconded, motion passed

~ What action to be taken on current R&R violations: Dennis will send out notices of violations, as discussed by the board, for enforcement in accordance with the new enforcement policy.

~ Christmas decorations contest: New residents will be asked to serve as judges and a reminder about contest will be sent

New business:

Application for Dwelling/Landscaping change board identified potential problems with the application so it was not approved as submitted. Dennis will inform the homeowner. A modified version of the plan was approved if the homeowner agrees to it.

Amendment to Bylaws:

Change of annual meeting date to 2nd week in March approved by the board.

Good of the order:

Bob said he has seen heavy paving equipment passing through on Gustaf. He will keep an eye out for more such traffic.

The meeting adjourned at 7:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Candace D. Peters, Secretary