In attendance: Dennis Peters, Rena Beyke, John and Adean Vitale, Bob Stewart, Judy Hossner, Jerald Hemstreet, Fritz Jorg

The meeting was held at the Poulsbo Library and was called to order at 1:30pm

The revised minutes of the November 18, 2021 were approved.

Briefing of business liability insurance by Fritz Jorg, State Farm Insurance, DRCO’s Insurance Provider:
Fritz reported that the DRCO Liability Policy is $300,000 per claim. The annual aggregate limit is $600,000. If DRCO is unaware of a hazardous tree, it is difficult to find negligence. If a homeowner is aware of a hazardous tree in the NGPA, they should report it to the board. If an arborist confirms the tree is hazardous, it is best to take it down. Regardless of why a tree falls, the homeowner’s own insurance company should cover damages. A discussion took place and Fritz will send an updated proposal for a higher policy for the board to consider. The policy is up March 2022.

Presidents Report:

1. Crosswalks. Dennis approached the city’s engineering department inquiring about having crosswalks installed at designated locations that have high foot traffic (specifically students walking to and from school). The city replied that there are too busy at this time to address this. They asked Dennis to “keep bugging them” about this matter.

2. NGPA/homeowner property lines. The city property line is 10 feet inside the curb (not the curb itself).

Treasurers Report:

Detailed financial statements and copies of financial institution statements were emailed previously to the board members. The account balances and activity including accounts receivable, CD’s liability and budget vs. actual. John moved to approve the November and December expenses. Reyna seconded. Motion carried.

New Business:

1. Property damage claims due to fallen trees. Jerald (Jerry) Hemstreet, after hearing Fritz Jorg’s presentation, said that the tree that fell on his fence was a healthy tree and he will go back to his insurance company to file a claim for reimbursement of clean up and damage expenses.

2. Amend Rental Rule in DRCO Rules & Regulations. Because only 50% of DRCO homeowners have sent back their vote on changing the rental covenant, Dennis suggested adopting the proposed rental policy into the Rules & Regulations. John and Rena voiced their objection to doing this without a membership vote.

3. 2022 Budget. Dennis presented the proposed budget. A discussion took place to raise the insurance operating insurance to $1,800, general maintenance lowered to $250, and to increase the annual meeting expense to $300. Legal expense increased to $1,000 to cover the cost of obtaining a legal opinion on liability issues and the potential expense of legal action for non-payment of annual dues. Professional fees increased to $4,000 to provide for the expense of a survey of the Native Growth Protection Area. It was agreed to eliminate the holiday decorating awards budget and increase the “other” expense to $200 to purchase a voice recorder. John moved to approve the revisions to the draft 2022 budget, Rena seconded. Motion carried.

4. Annual meeting, date, time and location. The DRCO annual meeting is supposed to take place the 2nd week in March. The Board agreed it should be an in-person annual meeting, whereas last year’s was a Zoom online meeting. Dennis will inquire with Western Red Brewing since they rent space, and also Sons of Norway.  

5. HOA Typewriter. A discussion took place if the typewriter should be sold or donated. Rena moved to donate it to Second Season/Food Bank. John seconded. Motion carried.

Good of the Order

Judy Hossner reported on the DRCO Emergency Preparedness Program. She is going to send out letters to all emergency captains to get the program going again. There are new homeowners in DRCO that will be introduced to the program. Judy submitted an article for the newsletter on the program as well. Bob Stewart reported that he has gone out and welcomed some of the new homeowners.

Regular session reconvened after executive session

John moved and Rena seconded authorization for the president to make an offer to a homeowner to settle liens on the property for prompt payment of past due annual dues and legal expenses in return for waiving fines and un-accrued lien interest. Motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:34pm.

Adean Vitale, DRCO Secretary