In attendance: Dennis Peters, Rena Beyke, John and Adean Vitale, Bob Stewart, Judy Hossner, Robert Chaney

The meeting was held at the Poulsbo Library and was called to order at 1:30pm

The minutes of the September 15, 2021 were approved.

Presidents Report:
RECAP OF TELEPHONE CONVERSATION WITH DRCO INSURANCE PROVIDER: President Dennis Peters provided a recap of his telephone call with DRCO insurance agent (Fritz Jorg at State Farm Insurance Company) regarding the business liability section of Deer Run’s policy with State Farm with respect to trees in the NGPA. In a nutshell, if a healthy tree falls, the homeowner uses their insurance for any claim. If a hazardous tree falls, DRCO would use State Farm Insurance for a claim. There was a discussion on details regarding both case scenarios.

Treasurers Report:
Detailed financial statements and copies of financial institution statements were emailed previously to the board members. The account balances and activity including accounts receivable, CD’s liability and budget vs. actual. Rena moved to approve the September and October expenses. John seconded. Motion carried.

Old Business:
1. Amendment to Rules & Regulations regarding Deer Run Tree Standards. This covers the dead trees and plants on lots and the maintenance of trees by lots owners. This also covers tree planting and replacement trees. If a tree is within 10’ of the curb it is considered a street tree. John moved to approve the Deer Run Tree amendment, Rena seconded. Motion carried.

2. City of Poulsbo Approval of Proposed Rental Covenant. Dennis sent a letter to the city seeking approval of the proposed covenant amendment. The city responded and is not taking a stance of the proposed rental covenant saying “since this proposed amendment does not impact any Conditions of Approval from the plat, we do not have comment.” It was agreed at the meeting there is no need to follow up again with them, as we don’t need their approval.

New Business:
1. Review DRCO’s Application for Dwelling, Paint, and/or Landscaping Change. A discussion took place and it was agreed that the form should be submitted with the paint color if it is going to be a different color that what is on the home. The same thing goes for replacing a roof.

2. Hazardous trees in NGPA Tracts D, E, and F. The decision at the board meeting was for Dennis to ask the Deer Run State Farm insurance agent to attend the next board meeting and the annual meeting if the board thinks that is appropriate after hearing what he says at the board meeting. (see above Presidents Report).

3. John gave Dennis permission to approach the city again regarding having crosswalks installed at designated locations that have high foot traffic (specifically students walking to and from school).

4. Christmas Decoration Contest. Dennis reported it is budgeted for the contest to take place again this year. Three $50 gift certificates will be given to the winners of the contest.

Good of the Order

Rena reported that one of the mailbox locks is broken. The owner of the broken mailbox lock will need to report it to the USPS.

Rena proposed that a recording of every meeting take place to assist the Secretary with minutes. John seconded. Motion passed.

Judy Hossner asked about starting the emergency preparedness program up again and it was agreed, she should.

The board was made aware that there have been homeless people using the Noll Road building. The police department was notified and they responded.

Execution Session
The board approved waiving a homeowner’s covenant violation fines if they immediately remedied the violations.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:20pm.

Adean Vitale, DRCO Secretary